Reserving Your Castlekeep Kid

Terms -Protocol – Philosophy


CALL: 918-623-9443 OR


Please make RESERVATIONS & deposits early as they can FILL quickly

All births are attended and all kids are raised separately from the adult herd.

We reserve the right to retain any kid we need as a replacement.

Requirement for Sales

Your $100 retainer is a non-refundable deposit to be applied to the agreed purchase price of a specific kid. if you back out it can cause someone else not to get a Castlekeep kid. The $100 deposit is to hold your Kid and as mentioned will be applied to the sale price.

We reserve the right to retain a kid if we choose to do so & in that event we will return your reservation/deposit money.

When you purchase a kid from Castlekeep it is healthy & the kid is yours as soon as you leave the farm. We do not take kids back once they leave our farm. Be certain the kid(s) you’ve selected & reserved is the kid you really want.

When you purchase a kid we prefer the kid remains with us for their first  month of life so they have the best possible start. The kids are removed from their dam as soon as they are born and are moved into the house immediately. Kids are fed their dams colostrum within the first hour of  life fed every 4 hours for the first 3 to 4 days.  They are cared for in the house for 3 or 4 days – depending on weather .  Our kids are fed only fresh Goat Milk until they leave the farm. Our coccidia prevention begins at 3 weeks of age. We use DiMethox 12.5%. Our protocol is 1 & ½ cc (in their bottle) per kid twice daily for 7 consecutive days and then 1 & ½ cc (by drench) AM & PM every Monday until weaned. We vaccinate all Dams with CDT vaccine 30 days prior to kidding and vaccinate kids at disbudding (5 to 10 days old), 4 weeks and 8 weeks of age.

What we want for our kids is quality loving homes…… nutritious feed, proper shelter, veterinary services when needed, and lots & lots of love and attention. That’s how we start them out in life and we pray it will continue throughout their lives. We strive hard to maintain good herd management practices and believe it pays dividends. We hope you have made the same commitment to best practices for your herd. We see them as part of our family and treat them with the love, gentle care and respect they deserve. They are not “just livestock” or “just for milk” or “only for show” or “just for breeding”- they are family….and yes, as adults, they occasionally come in the house! We believe that any animal who is given these things….will return dividends 10 fold. (I’m sure I am just preaching to the choir).

***If you are new to dairy goats….and just looking around – please….do your homework and save yourself from lots of pain – financial and emotional. Spend some time on line and learn as much as you can. Read some books about Dairy Goats. Find a couple of goat discussion sites and find out about health issues, kidding issues – everyday things you might encounter so you aren’t caught blindsided when it happens in your new herd.  Visit a dairy goat farm. Keep your eyes open – observe. Ask questions – lots of questions. Plan….Prepare/build your barn, build good fences, research livestock guardian dogs. Stock your medicine chest. Buy a thermometer. Find a mentor/coach & get to know a knowledgeable veterinarian. Then, when you are prepared, select your herd foundation animals from Herds that TEST. Herds that Test for CAE, CL, Johne’s, and G6S defect in Nubians. Give yourself and your new animals what you both deserve….a Great Start! (And by the way….hold onto your hat – you’re in for the adventure of a lifetime & you may never have expected it – falling in love with Nubian Dairy Goats!)  Welcome to “Goat World”.


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