The Castlekeep Story

Hello Nubian Dairy Goat Lovers! 

Hard to believe, but our journey with Nubian Dairy Goats began just a few short years ago – April 2012 to be exact. Not long on a timeline….but light years in terms of learning and the more we learn – the more we learn we need to learn!   We started our adventure with three little doelings and a brother to one of them, a wether, we call Jack.  Jack was a promise I made…to keep him and care for him….just like the doelings….we have & we will – Jack will be with us always.

Fairdale Farm, here in Oklahoma, is where we discovered our “girls”.   I fell in love the minute I saw them.  Tiny little girls with the longest ears I had ever seen and the sweetest eyes.  They melted my heart and home to the farm we went. I thought we were ready. Had the barn – had the fencing up – had the medicine cabinet – had a good thermometer, had Jen (a dear friend who knew dairy goats) and I knew a good goat vet.  I had books, books….lots of books.  I guess we were as ready as one can possibly be who was never raised on a farm and knew little about “real life – out here”.

Let’s jump to the present – there will be another day to add stories and tell tall tales but as it stands now….we have Five Castlekeep Permanent Champion Nubian Bucks, our does & bucks make stunning kids.  Many of those kids are destined for the show ring.   Castlekeep Freedoms first doelings freshened last year and were outstanding producers.  This year we decided to participate in DHIR program and are so happy we have.   Freedom and Zuri’s girls have done well.  In fact as of our most recent Monthly DHIR “milk test” report for October 12, 2018….12 out of our 13 does on test have already exceeded production requirements for Advanced Registry status with days in milk of only 206 to 234 days.  We are very proud of our “big girls” and our first fresheners.  Wilkins Farm RW Zuri, one of our original 4 foundation doelings, achieved her Superior Genetics designation this year because we were on DHIR testing and she quickly showed her stuff!  Freedom’s, Sam’s, Money’s, Fandango’s and Footloose’s bucklings & doelings from last year are out there making their own history and the rest we hope will make some history someday …. over time.  We believe in our does, we believe in our bucks, we believe in ourselves and we believe in God.   We have blessings – too many to count and have experienced much mercy.  We are grateful.

Our farm, which we affectionately call Freedom Farm, is known (and registered with ADGA ) as Castlekeep. It is located in Castle, Oklahoma, a tiny town about midpoint between Bristow and Okemah off OK Highway 48. Now, after building several new barns, shelters, feeders and the like, and lots of additional fencing, our herd generally numbers around 30. Our matriarch, Princess, is herd Queen and Castlekeep Farm Freedom – our first born at the farm & our first finished ADGA Grand Champion, is one of our pride and joys.

We treat our kids, dams and sires like family and love every minute around our four-legged family.

My name is Karen & my husbands name is Phil.  We hope you like what you see on our pages (so far – as our site is so new & evolving). Our kidding schedule and pricing is up and the kids start arriving February 4th.

We would love to hear from you!

For more information, see our ABOUT US page.